We manufacture and distribute premium Domi Cigars in the Dominican Republic. Years of carefully acquired knowledge and experience in tobacco growing and cigar manufacturing have allowed us to create cigars with a unique blend of tobacco leaves according to our recipes.
Handmade production & tobacco
All our cigars are handmade products from carefully selected tobacco leaves. Each type of cigar has its own unmistakable blend of tobacco leaves.
Our Domi Cigars contain Dominican, Nicaraguan, Cuban and Mexican tobacco in varying proportions, in combinations with tobacco from Cameroon, Sumatra, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.
Thanks to the carefully chosen combinations of these tobaccos, the individual types of cigars have different flavors, ranging from mild to medium and full-bodied. We give our cigars a more distinctive flavor by using Nicaraguan, Brazilian, Cuban and Ecuadorian tobaccos.
Product range of our cigars
We are gradually expanding the product range of our cigars to include other types, such as Petit Corona, Petit Robusto and Toro. Each cigar is fitted with a ring and a circle on the heel, wrapped in cellophane and placed in a cedar wood box. The luxury variants of our cigars are wrapped in tissue paper with a slice of cedar wood and a colored ribbon.
We also customize and change the tobacco blends for cigars according to the wishes of our clients. This makes the cigars richer with additional flavors. We produce cigars which are likend to vintage wine.
We also customize and change the tobacco blends for cigars according to the wishes of our clients. This makes the cigars richer with additional flavors. We produce cigars which are likend to vintage wine.
Cigars factory
We make cigars with our partners Mr. Román and Mr. Fernández from Dominican Republic. Mr. Román´s passion for traveling led him to discover the cigar culture beyond his country. Traveling through South America: Peru, Mexico and Cuba he was in search of trying new flavors and aromas that would allow him to create high quality cigars by the hand of his master blender. Mr. Fernández´s career started with the founding of an environmental Consulting company in Santiago de los Caballeros and then he became the deputy advisor in charge of developing special programs for the Ministry of the Presidency and working for the Ministry of Agriculture in different areas such as tobacco, different fruits, renewable energies, etc.
Factory vision arose from the dream of creating Premium Cigars using only the best tobacco leaves from different regions and manufacturing private brands with the highest quality standards.
To achieve this, the factory has partnered with a renowned master blender Joel Jimenez. He grew up in a tobacco family of growers and cigar makers, allowing him to master the art of blending tobacco for rich smoking experiences. Thanks to Joel’s experience, vision and tireless nights, great cigars and cigar editions are created!
The factory has a team of highly experienced artisans, each with more than 15 years in the tobacco industry and production capacity ranges between 350,000 up to 400,000 cigars per month. The factory located in Santiago, Villa González, also known as: “The land of the finest cigar”.
Every cigar blend begins by choosing only the best tobacco leaves grown in the Cibao Valley among other regions of the world such as Estelí, in Nicaragua, San Andrés in Mexico, Connecticut, USA, among others.
All tobacco leaves are carefully supervised by master craftsman. The cigars are stored in a controlled environment with a relative humidity between 65% – 75%. Factory use hygrometers, humidity extractors and air conditioners in curing room. Each tobacco leaf is carefully supervised and must have been aged for a minimum of 2 years. All tobacco leaves must meet the required organoleptic characteristics such as: smell, flavor, aroma, oil level and color, among other properties. All tobacco leaves must be free of pests and diseases.